“Halter (The Gold Watch) reinforces his position as the master of impossible crime fiction with this standout collection of 10 short stories” Publishers Weekly.

A man falls from a great height, but there are no tall buildings in the vicinity… Another is stabbed to death in a locked bungalow surrounded by virgin snow… An invisible murderer walks through a room in front of witnesses… These are only three of the mysteries in this second collection by the maestro of the impossible, Paul Halter.

The stories included in this collection are ‘The Gong of Doom’, ‘Jacob’s Ladder’, ‘The Man with the Face of Clay’, ‘The Scarecrow’s Revenge’, ‘The Fires of Hell’, ‘The Wolf of Fenrir’, ‘Nausicaa’s Ball’, ‘The Robber’s Grave’, ‘The Yellow Book’, and ‘The Helm of Hades’.

Originally Published Original Language Translated
2004-2019 French 2007-2019 by John Pugmire and Bob Adey


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